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The First Warm Evening Of The Year: A Novel (2012)

The First Warm Evening of the Year: A Novel (2012)

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0061449725 (ISBN13: 9780061449727)
William Morrow

About book The First Warm Evening Of The Year: A Novel (2012)

I truly enjoyed this one and didn't want it to be over. I'd love to read another with what happens after this one ends.It's a simple story told simply, yet that simplicity includes some very unique ways to say what the author says, what the characters are feeling, and what is going on in their minds and hearts. There were times I wanted to stop and write down the words I was reading and repeat them to myself over and over again so I would never forget them.Not to be missed. What can I say about this book, except maybe, WOW!I usually have a hard time with romantic stories written by men, yet this one was different, mostly because for me I felt it dealt with the relationships between Geoffrey and Laura , Geoffrey and Rita, Geoffrey and Marian, as well as the others involved in their lives.I found the story hard to put down, because I wanted to learn about Laura, his friend who died of lung cancer leaving him executor of her estate, Simon, her brother who is more then a little messed up, and Marian, the friend of Laura's that Geoffrey is finding himself falling for.The writing was superb and lyrical and while I didn't identify with the characters much, I did come to care about them. I wanted to know why they behaved the way they did in their past relationships and why they were drawn to each other.The characters that really pulled me in weren't necessarily the main characters. I loved the two brothers, Geoffrey's brother Alex, a psychiatrist that's gay, and Laura's brother Simon. I think the reason they appealed to me so much was because they were so unexpected and different and when it comes to Simon, it was hard not to feel sorry for him.Marian was a difficult character to warm up to. She had a lot of guilt stemming from the death of her husband Buddy. When he passed away 10 years earlier, their relationship wasn't totally a happy one.The other thing that I have to mention is how the characters felt so much older than they were. These were people in their 40s. Not old by any means, and yet Geoffrey and Marian felt at least 20 years older than they actually were.I really enjoyed reading about how Geoffrey and Marian found their way to each other. It definitely wasn't your typical love story.

Do You like book The First Warm Evening Of The Year: A Novel (2012)?

Not the best book I have ever read, rather a disappoint really

Was interesting. Romance from a man's point of view.

I enjoyed, a good rainy afternoon read

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