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The Family From One End Street: And Some Of Their Adventures (2004)

The Family from One End Street: And Some of Their Adventures (2004)

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0141317167 (ISBN13: 9780141317168)
puffin books

About book The Family From One End Street: And Some Of Their Adventures (2004)

May 21, 2011Hahaha.. ntah kenapa tiap kali mo ngambil buku untuk dibaca, gua malah akhirnya malah membaca ulang dan bukannya ngambil buku yang sama sekali belon pernah gua baca :pTapi yaa.. sutralaahh.. toh gua juga ngga inget jadi sekalian nge-refresh memory plus bikin review di sini, hahaha :D~.*.~May 22, 2011Baru nyampe halaman 30an and sejauh ini gua udah berkenalan dengan anggota komplit dari keluarga Ruggles, mari mari gua perkenalkan kalian dengan mereka yang totalnya berjumlah 9 orang, wooww! Tapii.. jangan tanya ke gua soal umur mereka, ahahahaa :pSang ayah bernama Josiah, bekerja sebagai tukang sampah dan istrinya yang bernama Rosie bekerja sebagai tukang cuci dan membuka binatu di rumah mereka yang pencuciannya masih secara manual.Putri sulung mereka bernama Lily Rose, anak berikutnya masih seorang perempuan bernama Kate disusul oleh si kembar James and John yang mempunyai adik laki2 yang dinamai nama ayah mereka, Jo(siah?), lalu kembali lahir anak perempuan lainnya bernama Margareth Rosie serta William melengkapi formasi keluarga Ruggles.Itu semua terangkum dari bab 1 yang berjudul "Penamaan".Bab kedua menceritakan tentang "Lily Rose & Selendang Sutra Hijau" yang mana niatan baik tidak selalu berujung pada hasil yang baik pula, hahaha..Bab ketiga tentang anak kedua, "Kate, Sebelas Plus - Sekaligus Minus" yang masih dalam tahap pembacaan jadi I can't tell you much about her :p~.*.~Masih May 22, 2011Kisah Kate menceritakan tentang anak kedua keluarga Ruggles yang mendapatkan beasiswa! Huaa.. bukankah ini kabar yang menggembirakan, tapi kenapa Bu Ruggles mumet memikirkan tentang banyak hal yang harus mereka persiapkan untuk sekolah Kate nanti?Aahh.. pasti karena di sekolah baru Kate nanti, Kate harus memakai seragam, tidak hanya itu, pihak sekolah juga meminta keluarga Ruggles mempersiapkan raket tenis untuk Kate, belon lagi yang lainnya, duhh.. darimana mereka bisa mendapatkan uang untuk menyediakan semua keperluan itu!Belum lagi Kate yang bandel tetap memakai topi sekolahnya yang baru ketika berlibur ke pantai, walau telah dilarang ibunya, akhirnya topi itu tersapu ombak dan terbawa ke tengah laut, huhuhu.. sementara uang yang tersisa tidak cukup untuk membeli topi baru.Ahaa.. tiba2 Kate mendapatkan ide untuk memetik jamur dan menjualnya ke toko buah karena Kate baru tau ternyata jamur itu dijual lumayan mahal! Pas lagi memetik jamur yang hanya tersisa tiga jamur kecil saja, tiba-tiba Pak Tani menangkap basah Kate dan menuduhnya telah mencuri jamurnya selama 2 minggu belakangan, ooo.. bagaimana Kate bisa terlepas dari tuduhan itu? Dan berhasilkah Kate mendapatkan sisa uang yang diperlukannya untuk membeli topi baru? Ataukah Kate harus pasrah memakai topi yang berbeda warna, sesuai dengan anjuran ibunya? Pastikan kalian membaca bab ketiga ini sebelon beralih ke bab berikutnya, haha :pBab keempat menceritakan tentang si kembar, James (yang dipanggil Jim) dan John dalam bab berjudul "Gerombolan Tangan Hitam", apa pula itu? Keinginan Jim untuk bertualang membawanya bertemu dengan Gerombolan Tangan Hitam secara tidak sengaja. Namanya cukup menyeramkan ya, haha, walau sesungguhnya ini hanyalah kumpulan anak2 yang saling menceritakan petualangan mereka selama seminggu. Masih belon kelar baca yang bab ini, hehe.. jadi nanti disambung lagi, otree?~.*.~May 23, 2011 (9:29 am)Karena tidak terbiasa menyimpan rahasia dari saudara kembarnya, Jim mengigau dalam tidurnya, belum lagi John terus menerus berusaha mengorek ada apa dengan kembarannya itu, dan Jim kuatir ia terpaksa harus membuka rahasianya yang disimpannya rapat, karenanya di pertemuan berikutnya dengan kaum "Gerombolan Tangan Hitam", Jim menanyakan apakah boleh ia mengajak John untuk masuk dalam kumpulan mereka. Setelah melalui perembukan yang tidak berjalan alot, John pun menjadi bagian dari 'keluarga' baru Jim.Jim dan John memutuskan untuk berpisah jalan dalam memulai 'petualangan' mereka, Jim tetap keukeuh berusaha menyusuri sungai, kali ini ia bertekad hendak menjadi penumpang gelap dari kapal tongkang yang dilihatnya. Sejauh ini, Jim berhasil menyusup masuk dan bersembunyi di dalam sebuah pipa. Dari niatan awal menjadi penumpang gelap, akhirnya pandangan mata Jim pun menjadi gelap ketika kepalanya terbentur bagian atas pipa dan kesadarannya hilang. Huaa.. apa yang akan terjadi pada Jim selanjutnya? Sabar yee.. belon kelar bacanya, ahahahaha :p~.*.~July 1, 2011 (8:10 pm)Gua udah menyelesaikan membaca buku ini dari bulan lalu sih, lupa tepatnya kapan, ahahahaha..And kesimpulan keseluruhan : I still like the book!Lucunyaa.. kemaren ini gua sempet nemu notes yang gua selipkan di buku2 yang gua kirim ke temen gua, tapi mungkin temen gua itu ngga menyadari notes itu jadinya pas dia ngembaliin buku gua, tuh notes masih ada, wakakakakak.. and di notes ituu, ternyata gua menyebutkan bahwa buku ini adalah buku yang bikin gua jatuh cinta ama penerbit Liliput!Jangan tanya ke gua apa penerbit ini masih aktif mengeluarkan buku apa kaga, ahahaha.. Anywayy.. kekuatan dari cerita2 yang ada dalam buku yang satu ini adalahh.. karena tokoh2nya itu sebenernya biasa2 aja, tinggal di lingkungan yang juga biasa2 aja, namun ternyata dari yang biasa2 itu bisa terjadi banyak kejadian luar biasa!Naahh.. menurut gua itu amat sangat menarik, hahaha.. karena berapa banyak sih dari kita yang hidupnya itu ada di lingkungan yang luaarr biasa?Buku ini seakan mengingatkan bahwa it doesn't need extraordinary things to feel extraordinary ;) Karena one way or another, kita semua itu istimewa dan mungkin saja mengalami hal yang luar biasa, kalau kita bisa jeli mensyukuri apa yang ada dalam hidup kita :DMantaps khan tuhh?Jadii.. minat bacaa? :DJuly 1, 2011 (8:16 pm)

Imagine if you will,~ bird-chirping weather.~ the fragrance of warm, sun dried cotton clothes.~ lying on a beach with your talkative family and wriggling your toes in the sand as you snarfed down sandwiches and slabs of fruit cake.~ the nervous excitement of visiting your first ever unsupervised birthday party and then returning home with that pleasant tiredness.~ your utter awe of the darkened movie theatre and the smell of popcorn tantalising your senses.~ the small thrill of curling up in bed with an old, dog-eared book.~ facing mum’s wrath when you came home with scabby knees, unravelling pigtails and a huge grin on your face.Now tie all that up and what you have is a childhood that didn’t have much technology but what it did have was a tremendous capacity to create happy memories. The Family from One End Street is one such tale.Meet The Ruggles family that lives at No.1 One End Street in the fictional town of Otwell. Jo Ruggles is the local dustman and his wife Rosie is the local washerwoman. Jo and Rosie’s singular source of pride is their large brood of seven children. Yep, you read it right. Seven children. And each of these seven children has a distinctive personality and the promising ability to get into all kinds of mischief and mayhem. The Ruggles family is always low on funds but never on dignity. The Senior Ruggles rule their little clan with a blend of old-fashioned discipline, gentle cajolement and a gruff optimism.The book is in episodic form with the total absence of an continuing plotline. Each chapter is devoted to the dreams, dramas and escapades of each the Ruggle children. And sometimes, even their long-suffering parents. The beauty of their mini-stories lies in the joy that they manage to eke out of their meagre means. Luckily, the author’s narration never has a patronizing accent. You don’t have weeping sagas about the travails of tight purses. What you have is an honest portrayal of playtime in ‘hand-me-down-clothes’. We have all loved us some Famous Five. Whether it were boat-trips to family islands or bicycle trips to farmhouses run by rosy-cheeked farmwives or the endless summer trips that were remembered for the glorious picnic baskets; we loved them all.But what about the (slightly) shabbily shod children who leaned over the fence and watched the FIVE ride along in their quaint caravans? What did those kids do to enjoy summer in all it’s sweltering glory?Eve Garnett gives us a glimpse into the possible lives of such kids, albeit in an urban setting.The book is a winner and was regarded as a groundbreaker back in the days when most children’s books were rooted in middle class sensibilities. If you need further urging....the book was nominated along with The Hobbit for the Carnegie Medal for Best Children’s Book and WON. Yep, it left our beloved Bilbo Baggins behind. So do read the book. You won't be disappointed. It is sweet, honest and redolent with the whiff of a childhood that was devoid of apps.

Do You like book The Family From One End Street: And Some Of Their Adventures (2004)?

This, when I was growing up, was pretty near being The Best Book Ever. I read it over and over again, and it delighted me every still delights me. The scenes are so evocative, and the children so perfectly drawn. (Both in the writing and the adorable and funny illustrations!) I loved learning, as an adult, that this beloved book was ground-breaking for being the first British children's book to depict the everyday lives of normal working-class kids, instead of the polished "desirable" lives of upper-class children. I desired their lives pretty wildly as a kid. The twins' adventures - and determination to create adventures in their lives - really jumped out at me the most as a child. I dreamed of the birthday cake at that party one of them gets accidentally invited to for years - "chocolate and coffee, mixed" - with a lattice of frosting and little silver balls all over it! who wouldn't? I'm sure several generations of children by now have dreamed about that cake. and their stories are all so funny and engaging!It's funny. The older British kids' books I loved were mostly the magic-filled adventures of E. Nesbit's. But despite all the magic castles and psammeads I found there, the stories of the Family From One End Street seemed to hold more magic than anybody's.

3.5. The Family from One End Street belongs to one of my favorite genres of book, which to my knowledge doesn't have an official name but can most closely be described as 'Nostalgia-Inducing Old Childrens' Books Featuring Quirky Large Families'. Included (among others) in this category is Elizabeth Enright's Melendy family quartet, Five Little Peppers, Trixie Belden, Bobbsey Twins, The Happy Hollisters, All-of-a-Kind Family, Half-Magic, Betsy-Tacy, and more recently The Penderwicks and the Casson family series. I don't know what draws me to these types of books, but I don't think I'll ever stop becoming endeared to families like the Melendys, the Cassons, the Penderwicks, and yes, the Ruggles. The Ruggle family consists of seven children, ranging from twelve-year-old Lily Rose to baby William and Mr and Mrs Ruggles, a dustman and laundress respectively. Each of their adventures is illustrated in a vignette by the author. It's a lovely book, charming and sweet.

So fresh, so charming and so hard to find. And what about this amazing fact: published in 1937, it won the Carnegie Medal that year, beating J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. The Ruggles family are an English working class family--rarely depicted in children's books at that time. Mom has a home laundry business in the home and all children help out. Dad is a dustman. The seven children play all over the town (and out of it on occasion). There are none of the present stranger danger issues--everyone is safe and each vignette ends on a happy note. The illustrations, done by the author, are perfect, the way for instance All of a Kind Family's or Charlotte's Web match the context. Highly recommended.

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