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The Fall Of Arthur (2013)

The Fall of Arthur (2013)

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0007489943 (ISBN13: 9780007489947)

About book The Fall Of Arthur (2013)

This had so much potential and I'm disappointed he didn't get to finish it. I would say that this could definitely be a deterrent for other readers. He sets up an adventurous, epic plot line with incredible diction and imagery, only to leave the poem unfinished. I will say, it is definitely worth the read if you don't mind being left without an ending, if only to appreciate the language and beauty of the poem. I'm calling this finished even though I didn't get all the way through the last part, "The evolution of the poem." Maybe one day I will go back and dig into the nitty gritty of Tolkien's process, but today is not that day. Christ on a cracker, it's too deep for me. Christopher Tolkien's analysis of his father's unfinished poem is fascinating, but became a bit tedious after a while. I loved the poem itself, though. Arthurian legend is one of my weaknesses and Tolkien exploits that perfectly. A shame he never finished it.

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this is amazing i could read it over and over

Interesting yet suspense. :)

3 and a half stars.

588 - 2014

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