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The Faithful One (2009)

The Faithful One (2009)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 2
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0982624263 (ISBN13: 9780982624265)
Ellechor Publishing House LLC

About book The Faithful One (2009)

I rated this book two-stars because I thought the loose ends were tied up too easily. Initially, I found the story interesting. However, as it progressed, I began to lose interest. There were many interesting turns in the story, but they were also complicated issues. Towards the end of the book, I felt it became a bit "preachy" and that the author was simply trying to make everything happy. It didn't seem realistic to me. I really wanted to like this book as I'm sure it took a lot of work to undertake the project. I know it is a modern-day novel that is supposed to compare with the story of Job. I had a hard time keeping interested while reading this book. I read 4 others during breaks when I put this one down. It just wasn't riveting. There are some really good portions that made me think and be thankful (to God) though.

Do You like book The Faithful One (2009)?

I enjoyed reading a "modern day" example of a Job like story.

Great book about maintaining faith through great adversity...

This was a modern Job story. It was wonderfully written.

A modern-day story based on the Bible's Book of Job

This book was very good!

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