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The Fairytale Keeper: Avenging The Queen (2012)

The Fairytale Keeper: Avenging the Queen (2012)

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3.8 of 5 Votes: 3
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0985167815 (ISBN13: 9780985167813)
Scarlet Primrose Press

About book The Fairytale Keeper: Avenging The Queen (2012)

I dowloaded this book for free from Goodreads, so felt I owed a review in exchange :)I did enjoy this book. The story was interesting and Adelaide and Ivo, and even Ansel (drunk half the time but somehow still appealing) were great characters. I cared for their plight, and even though Adelaide lived in a time where women had to behave a certain way she is a very strong protagonist.Unfortunately only a couple fairy tales were well incorporated. Galadriel's Cinderalla story was a bit ridiculous if you took it literally, especially without an explanation for the magical bits. Hansel and Gretel was simply a story Adelaide tells Ivo. I found it took away from the story rather than added to it.However, the book was well written, and I do look forward to seeing what happens next to these characters. And if the next installment weaves in the tales with more subtlety, I'll definitely be adding more stars. This is really the first book that I've read where an author takes a fairytale and paints a story of historical fiction. Cefalo has written an intriguing, vivid story about a young girl in 13th century Cologne who would be immortalized to us as Snow White. Adelaide is a strong heroine whom you can't help but like and cheer for as she stands up for her family and what she believes is right. Her supporting cast of characters is colorful and varied, from her grieving father who spends much of his time drinking to that priest you love to hate, Father Soren. And of course, you can't ignore the sweet romance developing between Adelaide and her childhood friend, Ivo.One of my favorite aspects about this book is how Cefalo is able to weave other well-known fairytales into the storyline. You will meet Cinderella, as one of the people in Adelaide's life, and hear Adelaide tell the story of Hansel and Gretel, just to name a couple of examples. By adding these other stories, Cefalo adds a touch more magic to Adelaide's world. The story might start off just a touch slow, though the opening scenes are certainly explosive. But the pace picks up with those fairytale "asides" and the unfolding story of the corruption of the Church will keep you turning pages to find out what happens next. And while there is a satisfying conclusion to a major plot line, we are also left wanting more as the bigger picture takes shape.If you love retellings of your favorite fairytales, be sure to pick up a copy of this first book in the Fairytale Keeper series. It's a quick, easy read -- perfect for this summer! I can't wait to see what Cefalo has in store for us next. And doesn't that gorgeous cover make you want to read this book all on its own?!

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I wouldnt be the avid reader i am today without getting hooked on all the Grimm brothers tales!!!...

review to come. watch the blog for author interview and book giveaway!

I wrote this book so of course I love it! :)

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