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The End Of Prosperity: How Higher Taxes Will Doom The Economy--If We Let It Happen (2008)

The End of Prosperity: How Higher Taxes Will Doom the Economy--If We Let It Happen (2008)

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1416592385 (ISBN13: 9781416592389)
Threshold Editions

About book The End Of Prosperity: How Higher Taxes Will Doom The Economy--If We Let It Happen (2008)

Everyone should read this book!A fair and extremely intelligent representation of the state of this country, "The End of Prosperity" offers a look, or prediction rather, that is already unfolding in the United States, bringing the entire country into an irrecoverable economic despair. It is frightening to read about aspects of the tax system that the three authors explicitly warn against, and see the policies by the left being currently enacted. If only people read this and understood that, no, taxing the rich more will not help, and no, the middle class will not get a tax break, and no, the goal of equality cannot be achieved by taxing some more and more less. The idealistic views of the left are utterly proven wrong.Of course, the political right's policies are also put to shame, arguing against the restrictive immigration policy and excessive spending of the Bush years, however a significant emphasis is placed on those who appear to be heralded as the economic saviors, Kennedy and Reagan. A high school econ 101 student who is just jumping into all of this economic policy awareness, this is an excellent read, although a little outdated, discussing what *might* happen if Obama is elected president (shot in butt on that one). It's a very ominous but intelligent warning to the country concerning our economic future. A good sound look at how economic practices can help or harm the economy, from Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush's tax cuts that launched a wave of prosperity, to the protectionist tariffs and high taxes of the 1970s and the destructive socialism from Wilson to the New Deal and Great Society and now Obama's bailouts, proposed tax increases, and profligate spending.There is a solution that will fix or ameliorate many of the mounting problems, which many countries in Europe have successfully adopted: a flat or fair tax (he calculated that 12.1% income and business tax would equal current revenues, not counting for increases prosperity and collections due to the lower tax). This will help make America attractive for investment again, and restore waning prosperity.

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Ahh, that anyone in our government could read..........

This was a great informative book. Easy to read.

A good prose on where this country is headed.

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