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The Elites (2013)

The Elites (2013)

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1471401529 (ISBN13: 9781471401527)
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About book The Elites (2013)

Ok,I just have to say I just love this book so much!It is sort of like the book Divergent,there are a few similarities.Like the fact that there was a wall surrounding the area.But there are also alot of differences too.In truth,I first thought I wouldn't really enjoy this book,but boy how I was wrong.This book was just sooo good.When I was reading this book,I honestly couldn't put it down.The first chapter just got me so interested that I kept reading for long.I loved every part of this book alot.If I had to choose a favourite character,I would choose Butterfly.Because I just think he is an amazing character and I love his history.I also like Cobe and Silver too,but Butterfly just is my absolute favourite.I really enjoyed this book and really recommend it :). I won this book on Goodreads. It was the second book that I won, and despite not having a pretty cover (it only has a key), I loved it when he came to my hands. Who does not love books for free? And a just released book…This is a new author, making his debut in the world of writing, and as such we can never have a defined expectation. But I like to be surprised with what I read.The story is narrated in the third person and especially from the Silver’s point of view. However, it starts with the point of view of Sauro and throughout history undergoes very diverse viewpoints as Butterfly, Akhezo, Cobe and Senior Surrey.Perhaps one of the points that disappointed me the most in the all plot was in the beginning of action starting with a character that is not very important. I find this strange because usually the story begins with a character with minimal relief and not an almost extra one. Apart from that I found the story very well written and with a very well planned common thread. I liked the romantic parts, though very scarce. Not particularly liked the descriptions of the city, I think it might be more realistic. I liked the fact that this book brings me back memories of the saga of The Hunger Games, despite not much related with each other.I will not tell anything about the story itself because I always leave it to the readers. I do not like giving spoilers that can ruin a reading for granted. So I will not speak of the characters individually because it would reveal too much in this case.I recommend it especially to those who enjoy books with action, angst and a splash of romance to relieve tension.-------------------------------------------- Como podem perceber pelo título, ganhei este livro no Goodreads. Foi o segundo livro que ganhei e, apesar de não ter uma capa lá muito bonita (só tem uma chave), adorei quando ele chegou às minhas mãos. Quem não gosta de livrinhos de graça? E ainda por cima acabadinhos de lançar… Esta é uma nova autora, a fazer a sua estreia no mundo da escrita, e como tal nunca podemos ter já umas espectativas definidas. Mas eu gosto de ser surpreendida com o que leio. A história é narrada na terceira pessoa e principalmente do ponto de vista de Silver. No entanto, começa com o ponto de vista de Sauro e ao longo da história passa por pontos de vista bastante diversificados como Butterfly, Akhezo, Cobe e Senior Surrey. Talvez um dos pontos que mais me desiludiu na história, o início da ação começa com uma personagem a que não se dá muita importância ao longo do livro. Acho isso estranho porque normalmente começasse a história com uma personagem com um mínimo de relevo e não com um quase figurante. Tirando isso achei a história muito bem escrita e com um fio condutor muito bem planeado. Gostei das partes mais românticas, apesar de muito escassas. Não gostei particularmente das descrições da cidade, penso que poderiam ser mais realistas. Gostei do facto de me trazer memórias da saga dos Jogos da Fome, apesar de não ter muito a ver. Não vou contar nada da história em si porque deixo sempre isso para os leitores. Não gosto de estragar uma leitura dando Spoilers de mão beijada. Sendo assim não vou falar das personagens individualmente porque isso seria revelar demasiado neste caso. Recomendo especialmente a quem gostar de livros com ação, revolta e uns salpicos de romance para aliviar a tensão.

Do You like book The Elites (2013)?

The boy's name is Butterfly...I hope this does not foretell impending doom. Pretty cover though!

That cover. Is. Gorgeous.

I simply loved it!


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