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The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out! (Big Time!) (2010)

The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out! (Big Time!) (2010)

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0375865829 (ISBN13: 9780375865824)
Random House Books for Young Readers

About book The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out! (Big Time!) (2010)

In this creative retelling of the Eensy Weensy Spider, Eensy the Spider does get washed out, but then decides she is NEVER climbing again. She holes up inside until her ladybug friend comes and encourages her to try to climb again. She starts small (a flower pot) and eventually works her way up to something quite big! I love that part of the story is told through word bubbles (graphic novel style) and I love Eensy's personality and the humor. Great read aloud for preschool through early elementary kids. The Eensy Weensy Spider climbed up the waterspout . . . and everyone knows what happens next! By the time the sun comes out to dry up all the rain, the Eensy Weensy Spider has freaked out over her washout, big-time! "There's no way I'm climbing back up that gutter!" she says. Eensy has lost her climbing courage, but with the help of her best ladybug friend, Polly, she begins to take on bigger and bigger climbing challenges until she's rewarded with the most spectacular view of outer space that any bug has ever seen! Hilarious text and a retro, graphic art style take this popular nursery rhyme to new heights.

Do You like book The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out! (Big Time!) (2010)?

My favorite lunch-time read with a second or third grader!

Cute! Recommend for self-esteem issues.

Nice twist on a classic.

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