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The Edge Of Doom (2003)

The Edge of Doom (2003)

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3.39 of 5 Votes: 3
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0345452372 (ISBN13: 9780345452375)

About book The Edge Of Doom (2003)

Like all Kate Fansler//Amanda Cross books I enjoy my time with them as they ponder the questions before them and I like to snoop in on their conversations. After all, that is what these books are about, I feel, an excuse for having heady and knowledgable conversation about life, literature and relations. Though I have always like this series, I don't really care for Kate and only a little more for her husband Read. I find the insufferable for all the reasons that Kate does not like the rest of her family or people that she thinks are too upper class or snooty. I like//love the books and have most of them on the shelf and do a re-read with regularity. In this book Kate is visited by her biological father and the ramifications to her view of who she is, how she relates to family, how to relate to this new person in her life and to contend with the various versions of his history that her biological father Jay tells her. It is a good, fast and enjoyable read. It remains enjoyable to listen to Kate and her conversations with Read, her friends, her family and her father. The tumult that gets thrown upon her and Read and their relation is only just touched upon and I would have liked to have seen that explored more.

Haven't read the series for a long while now, but I enjoyed this one. Kate Fansler (the main character in this series) can be very superficial, very much an intellectual type, and very prone to talking and talking and talking about her feelings, which is why I tired of the series. But the plots, when they are really a good integral part of the book can be very interesting and fun. This one works well and is an interesting insight into Kate's background. Do read this one AFTER reading a few of the first few books in the series... it will make more sense.

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