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The Dragons Of Blueland (1987)

The Dragons of Blueland (1987)

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4.1 of 5 Votes: 5
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0394890507 (ISBN13: 9780394890500)
random house books for young readers

About book The Dragons Of Blueland (1987)

This book should get 3 1/2 stars--the average between 3 from me and 4 from Lorelei and Ben. But since I'm typing this and they are sleeping...3 stars it gets.It's the third in the series that we've read, and I still think that these books are really good first-read-aloud-chapter books for kids. The stories are exciting little tales with a little bit of reality (i.e. there's a boy involved and he does have a real, human family) and a whole lot of fantasy (i.e. there are talking, flying dragons that have silly names and wild, colorful stripes). Just the right blend for 5- or 6-year olds.In this book, Elmer helps his baby dragon friend, whose name turns out to be Boris (they have a moment when they acknowledge the lameness of each of their names, it's kinda funny), rescue his gigantic (in two senses: each is enormous, but also as a whole family--it includes 15 dragons) dragon family from being captured by humans and placed in zoos all around the country.Nice book, though I look forward to reading chapter books that I'm interested in as well. I got spoiled by The Wizard of Oz!

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