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The Dirt (2011)

The Dirt (2011)

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3.36 of 5 Votes: 1
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1935961365 (ISBN13: 9781935961369)
Booktrope Editions

About book The Dirt (2011)

This is a cute read. I really liked the protagonist Lucy's voice. I felt the story's beginning was a bit slow paced, but her voice kept me wanting to read. I wish more time had been spent on several things critical to the characters' growth, like Lucy's first kiss and more insight into Megan. Lucy's first kiss is glossed over, which I found disappointing. But overall, it's a fun, light read, and I really enjoyed the voice. I was really into reading a teen book without magic and everything, and this was the reason i picked up this one. Seemed like something i would enjoy.You can easily describe the book as combination of Gossip Girl and Mean Girls. It's so full of drama, rich teens and so much fun. The writing makes you think, you are actually watching one of those teens movies with all the necessary details to understand the characters. The fact that the story is surrounded by a mystery atmosphere makes it even better.It's true that i didn't have anything in common with the characters. And i can't say i connected with them either. Still they felt the amount of close they needed to be for the certain story. The whole book is from Lucy's POV but you get to know her sisters pretty good too. I loved how she explained everything (without be tiring).The end was a little disappointed mostly because i was expecting something more from the "main problem" of the book while it was solved really fast. Still it was a book that made laugh for 2 straight hours and totally made my mood. So why not?

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Young adult book, and was okay.

Pretty good and quick read.

2.5 stars

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