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The Diet Dropout’s Guide To Natural Weight Loss: Find Your Easiest Path To Naturally Thin (2013)

The Diet Dropout’s Guide to Natural Weight Loss: Find Your Easiest Path to Naturally Thin (2013)

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0983571708 (ISBN13: 9780983571704)
Fine Life Books

About book The Diet Dropout’s Guide To Natural Weight Loss: Find Your Easiest Path To Naturally Thin (2013)

I read diet books, not because I really expect to find anything new but, more likely, to find that one tip or suggestion that will spark my desire and strengthen my resolve to live a healthier life.What I found in the chapters of this book? The truth about common weight loss myths The secret to losing weight and keeping it off Why "fat genes" can't keep you from being thin How to naturally boost your metabolism How to calm cravings and quit emotional eating How to keep a "slip" from becoming a binge How to eat less without going hungry How to get more exercise and enjoy itThis material is easy to read with simple instructions not complicated by a lot of other hype. I also enjoyed that there were some recipes and worksheets included. The recipe found on page 112, Yogurt Chicken Stroganoff was my favorite. Also include are several pages of reference material. The more technical dieter will appreciate those. Short book; quick read. It had a lot of useful information about changing your habits to keep weight off as well as a lot dietary information on the types of foods to avoid and which ones to eat instead; how to feel full eating good food and not junk. It got a little "new age transcendentalism" in parts, but they were brief. It also included a nice, little selection of recipes at the end which was helpful. It's not breaking new ground, but it was useful, concise information, and it was a free book so woo hoo! Definitely worth the read, and maybe I can do something with it.

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