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The Defense Of Thaddeus A. Ledbetter (2010)

The Defense of Thaddeus A. Ledbetter (2010)

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3.61 of 5 Votes: 4
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0810989778 (ISBN13: 9780810989771)
Harry N. Abrams

About book The Defense Of Thaddeus A. Ledbetter (2010)

Maybe journal, diary, notebook, blog-kind-of-boks just aren't my thing, but Thaddeus for sure wasn't. The humor seemed too forced and to be quite frank, it verged on annoying. There were times I just wanted to put the book down and move on.It's obvious what the author is trying to do--show us how this boy is misunderstood. Hey, there is nothing I like better than a misunderstood kid, but it all came across as overblown and absurd.I really wanted to like this book, especially when I was about to give up on it and skipped to the acknowledgements page and I saw how much the author thought of his humor and the idea, but I have to be true to my gut as I was reading/slogging through this book... Thaddeus is a know-it-all who frequently decides to do things for the betterment of his school. Adults don't agree. His latest escapade was a "true emergency drill" that has earned him the rest of the year in In School Suspension. It's Februrary. In frequent notes to the principal, his lawyer uncle, and a narrative of his "defense", Thaddeus tries to excuse his actions and get out of his punishment. The format includes various notes, drawings, etc.Strengths: This is a humorous tale, since Thaddeus gets himself into unusual and quirky situations. He is not a nice boy. Fans of Wimpy Kid might like the visula format that includes pictures and changes of font.Weaknesses: Wanted to slap Thaddeus. No school would put up with him for that long in ISS. He's a whiny, bratty kid who thinks he knows everything. Ugh. However, this book may fall into the Unspeakable Evil category-- I am never going to get it because I am a girl. And a teacher.

Do You like book The Defense Of Thaddeus A. Ledbetter (2010)?

Wonderfully snarky, funny and a deeply disturbed protagonist, with a huge heart... What more to say!

This book kept making me laugh out loud. I recommend it for kids in grades 4-8.

I think this book is really funny. I read it even after the buzzer went off.

Very funny clever book. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

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