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The Deadly Sister (2010)

The Deadly Sister (2010)

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3.57 of 5 Votes: 4
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0545165741 (ISBN13: 9780545165747)
Scholastic Press

About book The Deadly Sister (2010)

I like books like that so the Liberian said it would be a good book to read. the title relates to the story because Abby sister did something so bad shes gonna get in trouble so shes a deadly sister.I think the author typed this book to tel you the people that would take a bullet for you could be the one holding the gun. This book is for people that like mystery and a twist that can change a whole new person in the book. I learned 3 things from this book about a people and events i didn't know about before is that Maya her older sister Abby always had her back when she did something bad. But now Abby was the on that did the crime and blamed it all on her sister Abby planned everything to set up her sister for the murder of Jefferson Andres. I think the theme of this book is don't chase after bad boys/bad influence or you could get caught in something you didn't do. I loved this book I could not put it down especially when the story gets to the twisted part. I would recommend it to anybody that loves mystery and crime and a twist to the characters. I feel I can’t review this novel without mentioning that I hated Gone Girl. *Hated it*. And not because the author wasted my time with 1/3 of the novel being trickery. I could forgive that. I hated Gone Girl because I wasn’t given a single soul to attach to, there wasn’t a likeable character even hiding under the *bed*, for God’s sake, and so having invested my ocular power and gray matter on that steaming pile of Borderline Personality poop irritated the hell out of me. (And no, I will *not* be seeing the movie. Ever.)Deadly Sister is Gone Girl Goes To High School yet slightly better; a couple secondaries are truly likeable: Cheyenne (who never quite comes all the way out of the closet but who is clearly head-over-heels for Abby), Veronica, the quirky quasi-granny, and Blake & Keith, the gender-bender druggie couple, all pass muster. The leading ladies and their immediate secondaries, though? Thoroughly loathsome—and not in a fun ‘I love to hate you’ sort of way. Abby is controlling and manipulative, Maya’s destructive and whiny, the parents are dysfunctional douchebags, and not once are we given a glimmer into why they all are the way they are. I kept waiting to hear that Daddy Dearest diddled the kids (that would have explained all the dysfunction at the junction) but….nope. Open to interpretation. Hmm.Jefferson, the dead guy, deserves a paragraph solely his own. Talk about a douchebag. This guy’s a gas-stealing, drug-dealing, loser without any feeling (thanks Theory of a Dead Man for the AWESOME song ‘Lowlife’) who has bedded every babe in high school, has the sexual prowess of a man twice his age, keeps ‘trophies’ from all the girls he’s broken, blackmails and psychologically abuses everyone in his personal radius, and yet….the entire school is crippled with mourning over his murder.Whhhhhy? They should have had a dance. And that brings me to believability quotient. The high-schoolers—HIGH SCHOOLERS; Maya is FIFTEEN—in this novel are more sexually astute (and get laid way more often) than most adults, have a sophisticated and savvy understanding and execution of big-money drug deals, and are wily and rock-calm enough to out-wit homicide detectives. Now, call me a skeptic, but having worked around (and also raised a) teenager(s) for more than two decades I find it a titch of a stretch to think kids are this sophisticated. In fact research reflects that most of the time, youth aren’t using, screwing, or even drinking half as much as they *say* they are. So buying this band of uber-skilled at being uber-bad kids was more than just a little beyond-the-beyond. That said….the pacing was fantastic. The end scene execution of dialogue-responded-to-by flashback really clever. Props for conniving too; I may not have *liked* the Big Bad, but I did appreciate this person’s intellect and how it played out on the stage. I gave Gone Girl One Star and I still say if that novel had a face I’d slap it silly. Deadly Sister gets a couple more simply because it did keep me turning pages, gave me a couple characters I sort of liked, and the reveal scene was creatively delivered. 2.5 Stars, round to 3.

Do You like book The Deadly Sister (2010)?

Great book, all the way until the ending when the plot twist was a little too much for me.

This book was great until the ending. It completely ruined it for me, sorry.

I have never read a book with an ending like this one. Holy bleep.

it was a page turner! I couldn't put it down.

the ending was too off.

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