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The Day I Lost My Superpowers (2013)

The Day I Lost My Superpowers (2013)

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3.55 of 5 Votes: 2
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1592701442 (ISBN13: 9781592701445)
Enchanted Lion Books

About book The Day I Lost My Superpowers (2013)

This made me laugh out loud. The child tells about all the ways s/he has super powers (look at the pictures carefully though) and what happens when s/he loses said powers. Both author and illustrator are European which brings a different take on the illustrations especially but I loved it. The child may be a girl but is drawn in such a way that it could also be a boy with longish hair, which lends this to being more gender neutral in some ways. Another great one for how the pictures and text differ to tell the story. ‘The Day I Lost My Superpowers’ written by French author Michaël Escoffier and illustrated by Kris Di Giacomo is a nice picture book that tells a story about the love between mother and child, of everything what the child expects to find in the person she/he loves and by whom is loved the most in the world.The story main character is a little girl who will discover to possess some magical abilities, just as most children in her age do. But then something will go wrong and her great magical abilities will disappear, so she will have to seek the help of another superhero, right at her fingertips - her mother.And when she realizes that her mom except loving and caring for her is also a fantastic character with magical powers that will further increase their love and make relationship between a mother and daughter even stronger and more emotional…Michaël Escoffier his magical book managed in a metaphorical sense to convey a beautiful message of love between mothers and daughters, using the motif of heroic abilities that the children often dream about or imagine that they possess. The book is intended for something older preschoolers who will be able to fully understand its message, and also contains extremely inspired drawings that add to the pleasure of reading this entertaining, but also emotional story.Therefore ‘The Day I Lost My Superpowers’ is a book that I can fully recommend to all those moms who want to spend a little extra time with their daughters, but sons as well, reading this lovely bedtime story before they beloved ones fell asleep.

Do You like book The Day I Lost My Superpowers (2013)?

This is a cute book that would be excellent to help practice inferencing skills.

I liked this book based off of the cover and title alone. An imaginative book!

Cute....probably best for preschoolers.

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