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The Darwin Awards 4: Intelligent Design (2006)

The Darwin Awards 4: Intelligent Design (2006)

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0525949607 (ISBN13: 9780525949602)
dutton adult

About book The Darwin Awards 4: Intelligent Design (2006)

The Darwin awards books are guilty pleasures for me. I know I shouldn't laugh at the horrible demises of people who die doing something incredibly stupid, but I do find these books entertaining. I hate to say it. Although some of the ones in this book seem more thoughtless and careless rather than actual acts of stupidity, such as the person who accidentally dropped his glasses over the railing on a bridge and reached over too far to get them and then fell. That seems like something just about anybody could do if they weren't thinking. I think my favorite was the story about the EMT students who were playing with the defibrillator, leading to one getting shocked and his classmates having to practice CPR on him until the real paramedics got there – he was fine. That's the stuff of legend

The Darwin Awards was an extremely hilarious (though at the time time troubling) collection of the most ridiculous, egregious ideas which people of today have taken up, usually resulting in their own demise or severe injuries. Although the style and concept is grotesque, The Darwin Awards is ridden with satire which makes it thoroughly enjoying while also leading one to question the advancement of society due to the ridiculous, real stories contained within. The style of writing allows one to become more familiar with satire to help consider how one should approach handling the absurdity within the world.

Do You like book The Darwin Awards 4: Intelligent Design (2006)?

This was once again a wonderful compilation of hilarity and absurdity mixed with gruesome details of the most vulgar repulsive kind, but I see it that way only because I myself am repulsed by such grisly details. The segments them selves I could all see being used in episodes of "1000 Ways To Die".Each article that was discussed before each chapter was very descriptive in their goals and facts on the histories of some things and the theories of others weer a marvel to observe.While humankind still can now adays manage to survive through all the crazy stuff we do, it s miracle in itself, but we are all made for greatness in one way or another, even if that other is winning a Darwin Award.

I think the Darwin Awards series is one of the finest examples of dark humour gone mainstream. Each of the stories in the book is no doubt a tragedy, but a comic one nonetheless. Thanking the Darwin Award winners for kindly removing themselves from the available gene pool can seem disrespectful (especially to traditional Chinese people), but don't forget that they teach us valuable lessons too: how not to die stupidly. And by dying they entertain millions around the world! Really, they deserve our deepest respect.

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