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The Dam Busters (1999)

The Dam Busters (1999)

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4.15 of 5 Votes: 4
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0330376446 (ISBN13: 9780330376440)
pan books (uk)

About book The Dam Busters (1999)

The Dam Busters relates the story of Squadron 617, an elite bombing sqaudron, in the Royal Air Force during WWII. While I have nothing but minor interest and curiosity in the subject matter, this book came highly recommended by a friend.I was mesmorized and had a difficult time putting the book down. Paul Brickhill does a fantastic job writing history that is engaging. He includes a great balance of the feats of the group and their personal experiences and personalities that kept a typically-fiction-reader like me interested.I definitely plan on reading more of Brickhill in the future, regardless of the subject matter.

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