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The Council Of Blades (1996)

The Council of Blades (1996)

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078690531X (ISBN13: 9780786905317)

About book The Council Of Blades (1996)

This one was pretty bad.I think that maybe it's sposs to take place so long ago that it's okay that it's out of place. But this story has no bering on rest of the books that I have read. Besides the fact that it takes a place on the shores of Akanamere, there was nothing else to connect it to the Forgotten Realms stuff. Once again, I had high hopes that this would be wrot with history of a certain corner of Farun. I thought that there would be all kinds of war and battles and stuff; but it really wasn't like that at all. There were a few minor battles, but the rest was really about a brainy princess who wants to be a magic user, an artist inventor, and a weird theiving bird (that I've never heard of). The women were decked out in pointy pastel hats and the men were in was way to much like the nickoloden fantasy from when I was 6. I guess it was amusing, but not what I wanted.I don't think this author wrote anything else for TSR, but it will be too bad if he did....

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