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The Color Of Destiny (2000)

The Color of Destiny (2000)

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About book The Color Of Destiny (2000)

This is the 2nd in the Series of The Color of Heaven..After reading the first one, I grabbed this one up and I am not disappointed..Thesebooks are uplifting and keep you interested all the way through.I love the way it is written in first person..This one follows the story of paramedic - Kate Worthington. Kate becomes pregnant at 16. What follows is a story of courage. Involved in a horrific accident, Kate loses the ones closes to her..She goes on to marry the father of the child, but things just don't work out.You meet Ryan Hamilton who has faced his own demons and lost his wife.I won't tell you very much about this one, as it is full of suprises and twists.I don't think you will disappointed in this book..I kept turning the pages! Julianne MacLean's “The Color of Destiny” is her second contemporary novel, coming on the heels of “The Color of Heaven,” which I read a few months ago (and loved). The books can be read independently, but trust me, you'll want to read them both. They're captivating.“The Color of Destiny” shifts smoothly between three very different but interconnected characters, people who not only survive tragedies, but thrive, discovering love where it is least expected. She gets inside the main characters' heads, but she also expertly weaves in the secondary characters, pulling us into a beautiful tapestry. In addition, Ms MacLean does a wonderful job of disguising the startling truth until the very end, then sweeping us all into a beautiful, emotional (yes, I cried!) finish. Through this second instalment, Julianne MacLean proves that she can indeed master at least two genres, a challenge that is more difficult than it seems! I'm looking forward to book #3, “The Color of Hope.”

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This was a truly amazing book by an amazing author that you can never go wrong by reading.

so far they are really good book i read 3 out of the colors of heaven series

Poignant and amazing; this author touches me right in the heart!.

LOVE LOVE LOVE this series!

Good book

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