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The Collaborative Habit: Life Lessons For Working Together (2009)

The Collaborative Habit: Life Lessons for Working Together (2009)

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1416576509 (ISBN13: 9781416576501)
Simon & Schuster

About book The Collaborative Habit: Life Lessons For Working Together (2009)

This book was powerful as Twyla Tharp talks about the various composers, choreographers, and dancers she has worked with both classical and modern. Having read The Creative Habit a number of years ago, it was refreshing to hear the same enthusiastic and inspiring voice from Twyla's writing. This will be one of those books I reread periodically and hopefully will be able to put some of these practices to use in the future with collaborations of my own. Unlike The Creative Habit, this book wasn't that interesting and didn't relate many new insights. When the author wasn't re-hashing stories from The Creative Habit (I suspect many readers of this book also read the other - can we say: "bored now!" - why not use only new examples?), she merely gave other examples of collaborations she had, without distilling the lessons in any meaningful way.I really enjoyed and got a lot out of The Creative Habit, so I was grossly disappointed by this follow-up. It felt like a slap-dash attempt to pull together another money-maker after some success with the much more well thought out and executed first book.Don't even bother reading this one.

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Teamwork. Give and take. Give more. Be clear in communicating wants and expectations.

You learn more about the author's life than about collaboration per se.

"In the end, all collaborations are love stories."

Life is all about collaborations!

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