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The Clowns Of God (2003)

The Clowns of God (2003)

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1902881842 (ISBN13: 9781902881843)

About book The Clowns Of God (2003)

Again is not easy to make a review of a Morris West book! It has so many things and is never simple.Morris West is an expert to make his readers ponder questions that scratch the philosophical and spiritual issues.. Are you ready to believe in a modern prophet? Do you actually believe God is capable of anything, including making a Pope see with his own eyes the ends of the days of the human race and the world as we know it, and that they are not far away in time but close and present. The Vatican Cardinals forced the Pope to advicate and imprison hin in the silence of a monastery.At the first part of the book, by the hand of one of his best friends, Carl Mendelius, an ex-priest you are asked, is the Pope insane or is he telling the truth. The other question that hounted all the book is, why is the Vatican so afraid of his vision, how far are they ready to go to silence this dangerous man.Just in the second part you are able to know Jean Marie Barette, the former Pope Gregory the Seventeenth better than in the begining, and you can see he is not crazy or inventing things... But that is all I will tell, I don't want to spoil the book saying anything more.Just let me copy this small extract from this beautiful book, a part that was really touching: "Dear God: I love this funny world; but I have just heard the news that You are going to destroy it; or worse still, You are going to sit up in heaven and watch us destroy it... I can't argue with what You do. It's Your universe... But please before the last big bang, could You explain some things to me?... but for Johnny the Clown, You'll have to make it all very simple..."

The Clowns of God by Morris L. West (Compania Financiera Perlina 1981)(Fiction – Mystery). (SEE UPDATE BELOW).  To summarize, the Pope abdicates.  Now what?  Folks I respect love this, but I've tried it several times over 20 years and can't get through it.  My rating:  4.0, finished 1/18/12. (UPDATED REVIEW 12/10/14): The Pope is forced by the Cardinals to adbicate. Why? Because the Pope was convinced that God had spoken directly to him and had revealed that a major war was coming. Could it be true? Interesting trivia: the “Clowns of God” referred to in the title are humans who have been designated in twenty-first century parlance as “differently-abled” - in this case Down's Syndrome. My rating: 7/10, finished 12/9/14.

Do You like book The Clowns Of God (2003)?

Everyone remembers Morris West for his book " The Shoes of the Fisherman," a wonderfully written book about a new pope who revitalizes the Catholic Church and rfeinstates "humility" to the Church. It is very much more interesting in light of the new Pope Francis. It was also made into a riveting, lush, and pertinent motion picture starring Anthony Quinn at his best. However "The Clowns of God" which is grouped into what they now call West's "Vatican Trilogy" with "Shoes," this book and "Fisherman" While "Fisherman" is his best known, "The Clowns of God," in my opinion is his best book. His writing, plot development and morality tale are expertly woven into an engrossing tale that keeps you reading impatiently all the way through. In this case Pope Gregory receives a message directly from God and being ridiculed and doubted, he abdicates the high office and retires to the country of Italy to administer to a flock of poor, ill and lost souls. I can't tell you what happens from that point without spoiling it for you, but I know you will find it fascinating and worth the read.
—Jerry Wendt

I really liked this book UP UNTIL the end. (I would give the first 4/5 of the book five stars but the last 1/5... not even one!) The characters were very intricately written and the relationships and/or encounters between them so real and full of meaning. There were powerful struggles with faith and doubt in terms of human to human relationships, individual to institution relationships and human to divine. Each character represented a diverse and interesting reaction to the inevitability of the end of the world that had me really questioning what I would do in their shoes. (How DO you plan for the end of the world!?) BUT... the end of the book was so weak and disappointing. I wouldn't even say it was predictable because I never would have guessed that West would do something so uninteresting! If only I could go back and unread that ending...

I read this book as a child in Venezuela in Spanish. I praise Morris West, the writer of this book. Being kind of a triller in a religious setting, I found it througly interesting. Based on his novels many movies have been made, such as the Fisherman's Sandals ( Las Sandalias del Pescador) with Anthony Queen, or the Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino. This writer loved writing trilogies, and also as you can see, he xeroed on writing novels that dwelded in Religion and spirituality. This one in particular, touched on the subject of a pope possible abdication, and a nun that renounced to her vows. Without us being religious entities, we can relate to the situation of being in a position where we no longer feel adequate, and where we feel target to extreme pressure out of our control. So, without further ado, I highly recommend it.
—Andreina Troconis

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