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The Clergyman's Daughter (1983)

The Clergyman's Daughter (1983)

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0451146115 (ISBN13: 9780451146113)

About book The Clergyman's Daughter (1983)

ok, high in drama, at the end the main characters kinda fell out of character(view spoiler)[Jessica is carried off by Andrew to be secretly wed. Because of their respective stations, their marriage is frowned upon, and their relationship suffers. after andrew's death, Jessica runs away and has her daughter. By chance Graham finds her and brings her home. it turns out, andrew had a innocent secret crush on Jessica, but because of gossip and rebellion, decides to marry Jessica. Graham thought Jessica was a scheming miss, but upon meeting her feel in love at first sight, but was unable to express that love with anything but anger. In turn, and kind of out of spite, Jessica agrees to Andrew's proposal and everyone was unhappy. In the end Graham breaks his engagement, decides to marry Jessica who reveals she was the mysterious satirical cartoonist who was making fun of him (hide spoiler)]

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