A weak 2 star rating. Most mysteries require a certain amount of suspension of disbelief, but this is just plain ridiculous. No police department is going to hand over both protection of probable victims and the entire investigation to a couple unknown civilians! Nor will they leave one incompetent cop on duty for days with no back up or shift changes. And that is just the start of the stupidity. Add to that unstable POV, including first person narration of things he can't see and just generally blah writing. No thanks! As I look to my 50th high school reunion next year, I thought this would be a fun read. However the detecting "hero" at 60 lives athome with his parents, unemployed, drinks too much beer, has no real interests and only onefriend. Despite this he finds more than one attractive woman who wants to sleep with him between murders! That's pretty much it for character development and plot!!
Do You like book The Classmate Murders (2009)?
Very enjoyable and very quick.Sexual Content.Vulgar Language.
I actually enjoyed it although it was a bit predictable.