To start off, this book would suit someone younger - in their teenage years. It would be a good teenage fiction.there are many things I didn't like about this book but I think that because I'm an older reader, I thought about those things. Like th consquences where these girls didn't. A good idea and was nicely cocluded even if t was a bit predictable. Would suggest anyone who would want to read this been in their teens and not someone who would over analyze. More like 2.5 stars. I think my main problem with this book was that I'm officially waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too old to read it. As a result, I couldn't stop poking holes in the problematic aspects of the plot, I didn't care about the romance side of it, and everything was tied up WAY too neatly in the end. I honestly think this story would have made a lot more sense to me if it had been set in the 1990s. Because there is no way in hell that, in a world with CCTV cameras everywhere and biometric facial scanning at airports and SOCIAL MEDIA (and as if these kids aren't all on social media), these girls would get away with trading places. Especially getting away with using each other's passports. Both their asses would be thrown in jail in an instant. To be fair, I'm not exactly the target audience here. I'm 31 years old, and fashion bores me shitless. So whenever Angel was gushing over designers and fashion parades and fabrics, I basically vagued out. My reaction towards Nick was largely "Hahahahahahahahahaha, the idea of a nineteen year old boy looking smoking hot and sophisticated, NOPE". And the idea of everyone just accepting the "surprise, I'm not who I said I was!" thing at the end was just insane. Because that is NOT how people work. I've been on the receiving end of revelations like that, and it does NOT end in instant group hugs. So...yeah. Oh, and the story included my biggest all time pet peeve: people making mountains and mountains of phone calls on their mobiles while travelling overseas. Like, I can buy teenagers not thinking about how much it would cost. But OH MY GOD. Angel and Lily were doomed to be found out the second their phone bills arrived!! Look, it's a cute modern interpretation of Cinderella. But there were a ton of elements within the story that were just too over the top for me to handle.
Do You like book The Cinderella Moment (2013)?
3.5 starsSo many twists in the end, but come on, we saw them coming, so not much of a twist.
I adored this book and it made me think of Sabrina meets Anna and the French Kiss.
loved it if u r a fashion lova read this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥
3.5 stars :) Reminded me of Anna and the French Kiss