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The Cinderella Curse (2000)

The Cinderella Curse (2000)

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About book The Cinderella Curse (2000)

Cindy had a fairy tale life – well, not literally – but she was pretty and popular. Then one fateful autumn day, while picking apples, she encountered a real-life witch. After accidentally clocking the witch on the head with her basket of apples, the angry witch put a spell on her. As Cindy would soon find out, she was destined to live out her nights turning into a pumpkin at midnight. There is only one antidote for Cindy’s terrible curse - if only she knew what it was. Hilarity ensues as Cindy attempts to lead a normal life as a part-time pumpkin.Odd little book - freebie on Kindle. The premise was odd - hilarious it was not - writing was rather bland, more at the level of an aspiring writer in high school - language was young adult contemporary with behaviors to suit. Not a fan. This was a quick read, only a couple hours. The story was fun, but I felt that some parts of the story were underdeveloped. The prose was something I would expect from a high school level English class. I was also disappointed that the hero was not kept portrayed as a perfect gentleman. What is wrong with saving sex until marriage? Why do women think that a man is gay if he doesn't kiss them by the third date? The story could have ended with a sweet kiss to break the spell, just like the fairy tales, instead it ended with 2 unmarried characters making love.

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cute but ended too quick...

Light, fun beach read.

Cute but corny.

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