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The Christmas Tree Treasure Hunt (2012)

The Christmas Tree Treasure Hunt (2012)

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3.61 of 5 Votes: 2
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Write Integrity Press

About book The Christmas Tree Treasure Hunt (2012)

The only reason this book didn't get four stars is that it needed to be meatier. I didn't realize until I finished reading it that it is the work of an ensemble--and I commend that ensemble for the seamless transitions from author to author. It was impossible to tell that it hadn't all been written by one person.I loved the idea of the treasure hunt and wish that the story and character development had been fleshed out more. This was a free kindle book and my 2nd novella written by multiple authors each contributing a chapter. It was very good short, tear jerker that focused on the real meaning of Christmas. I was glad I read it and though I felt there was one spot in the story that maybe shouldn't have been there since we weren't going to revisit or complete any romantic aspects I'd like to think that she had her own happily ever after in the romance department as well. Good christian novella!

Do You like book The Christmas Tree Treasure Hunt (2012)?

Great writing.... Short on some explanation though... Thus the shorter rating.

Cute concept but too much religious reference for my taste

I liked it.very different.

Very contrived.

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