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The Chocolate Cupid Killings (2009)

The Chocolate Cupid Killings (2009)

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3.88 of 5 Votes: 2
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0451227972 (ISBN13: 9780451227973)
NAL Hardcover

About book The Chocolate Cupid Killings (2009)

I really enjoy this series. Yes, it's partly because my husband's family is from the same part of Michigan where the series is set so it feels familiar. But mostly it's because Carl manages to write books which are light without also being fluffy. They're not gory or graphic and all the relationships between the characters are very real. Reading these books feels like returning to catch up with old friends who happen to dig up trouble an awful lot. This is book 2 in my attempt at the Goodreads mini challenge for October. The category was something sweet for Diabetes Awareness Month. I must admit I am shocked that a mystery centred around chocolate has missed me. I am a total chocoholic. I love everything about chocolate. It comes from a bean therefor it must be good for you. So when I found the series I knew I had to read it.The Chocolate Cupid Killings is about Lee and her Aunt Nettie, who owns an expensive chocolate shop. Nettie has gotten herself into helping a woman in the battered women's underground railroad. True to cozy fashion, everything, or everybody, is not what it seems. Dead bodies start popping up, secrets start growing with in the family. Lee must solve the crime and the identity of the mystery woman.This was the first book by JoAnna Carl I had read. I really enjoyed the story and the plot. The characters were interesting, but not amazing. I cared about what happened to them, but I don't know if I cared about who lived or died. I did feel like the writing didn't flow as smoothly in some places, not that I'm an expert. I really enjoyed the chocolate facts sprinkled throughout the book. All in all it was a good read. I will read one more book in the series to see if I like it better.

Do You like book The Chocolate Cupid Killings (2009)?

This was my least favorite in this series. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for the story.

Nice n fluffy. Has a good twist at the end. Must admit didn't see it coming. I usually do!

Michigan, fancy chocolates, and a mystery. All is well in here.

so far so good.

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