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The Cause Within You: Finding The One Great Thing You Were Created To Do In This World (2011)

The Cause Within You: Finding the One Great Thing You Were Created to Do in This World (2011)

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1414348460 (ISBN13: 9781414348469)

About book The Cause Within You: Finding The One Great Thing You Were Created To Do In This World (2011)

What a great book! I am not normally into what I would title as a self help/non fiction book. But this was great! Made you think about what your purpose on Earth really is and what you can do for others instead of others doing for you. Even if you are sick and handicapped, there is a purpose for you and something you can do.With as big of a church and center as is discussed in this book, I am sort of surprised that I have never heard of this pastor or his father that is that pastor of a mega church. Matthew Barnett’s The Cause Within You will reshape your life and what you are doing. So many people are not happy with what they are doing, or have thrown in the towel on life. This book will have you re-evaluating the things that you are doing and remind you that we are all called to serve other peoples needs. Once we see that we are making the first step to finding our cause. While reading this book I had the opportunity to hear Matthew Barnett speak and was blown away by the passion he has for the Dream Center and for serving the people of LA, somehow Barnett has captured that passion and turned it into a book. Barnett fills his book with sound advice on how to find your cause, and the easiest way to do that is to start serving. Find the thing that excites you and find a way to share that with others. I highly recommend this book for everyone, even if you have found your cause, this book will give you ideas on how to get through the difficult times, when you feel that your cause is getting the best of you, to refocus on God’s plan and the cause He has placed with in you and the people you are serving along the way. I also recommend reading this book alongside Max Lucado’s Cure for the Common Life I received this book complimentary from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. The views expressed in this review are all my own.

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Excellent book. I read this one in an afternoon. Great ideas from the author.

really, really, really wanna read this book now...

Loved this book! Definitely a favorite!

Very inspiring book.


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