I thought this was a really sweet lover story. I liked how Julia was a portrayed as a smart country girl that had better insight into the political work than most men. The sacrifices she made for her son and family and the I really liked the support she got from her family. I loved how she won over Adam and how quickly they made the right connection. The suspense in the end really added a special touch. I enjoyed this book. It was a sweet, charming, romance novel witch had a bit of an old school 80's/90's romance vibe to it. I liked the plot - politician needs instant family to win vote, so he enters into a marriage of convenience - and the characters were good, they could have been a bit more developed, but this was only a short book, about 143 pages, so that can be forgiven. Apart from a few grammar errors towards the end of the story I thoroughly enjoyed this quick read.
Do You like book The Candidate's Wife (2012)?
Like this one, plenty of story totally expected ending
This was a nice story. Enjoyable and quick read.