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The Butt Book (2009)

The Butt Book (2009)

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3.88 of 5 Votes: 1
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1599903113 (ISBN13: 9781599903118)
Bloomsbury USA Childrens

About book The Butt Book (2009)

By the title you can probably guess this is a funny book. It is! It’s a basic informational on butts: Lists different nicknames for butts and what they call them in different places. It also talks about animal butts. The illustrations aren't clear and bright enough nor is the text age-appropriate for me to recommend this for a younger audience, but for a giggly bunch of preschoolers on up to at least 3rd grade would really enjoy this book. This picture book claims that butts have been neglected, overlooked and always the butt of jokes. Hence, this celebration of the bottomless (ha) variety of butts."Butt" is already and over-used term in our household so I am not planning on reading this to J anytime soon. I don't know how you'd get through reading this to a group of kids...I imagine they would be in hysterics just over the pictures.

Do You like book The Butt Book (2009)?

Heard the author read this at BookFestPA 2012...hilarious!

Lots of fun and laughs for my grandchildren .

Cute book, totally hilarious!

This book was really funny.

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