About book The Bridge Across Forever: A True Love Story (2006)
Recenzija par Ričarda Baha grāmatu "Tilts pāri mūžībai" Ričards Bahs ir literatūras klasiķis un sapņains lidotājs no divdesitā gadsimta, no Amerikas. Sarakstījis nevienu vien aizraujošu un dzīves gudru gāmatu. Vienu no tām nesen izlasīju. "Tilts pāri mūžībai" ir romāns pār dzīves likstām un laimes mirkļiem savas dvēseles radinieces meklējumos. Manuprāt, autors uzrakstījis šai grāmatai ļoti piemērotu virsrakstu. No vienas puses tas ir metaforisks ar zemtekstu, kas lasītāju, pirms grāmatas izlasīšanas, spēj ieintrišēt. No otras puses tas tieši atspoguļo grāmatas saturu. Rakstnieks romānā ietvēris savas dzīves secīgus notikumus daudzu gadu garumā. Vietām atsaucot atmiņā notikumus no pagātnes, savijot tos ar iespējamo nākotni. Brīžiem neņemot vērā laiku un telpu, cenšas izprast notikumu būtību un dzīves pavērsienus kādā citā, paralēlā pasaulē. Notikumi šajā romānā attīstās pamazām un secīgi. Ņemot vērā, ka galvenis tēls, pats Bahs, ir kaislīgs pilots, viņš lasītāju īsā laika posmā izlidina pa daudzām vietām. Neskatoties uz to, ka atrašanās vieta nemitīgi mainās, nav grūti orientēties un izsekot līdzi. Bahs ir izcils autors un prot rakstīt tā, lai lasītājs neapjuktu un grāmetu varētu baudīt. Kaislīgā lidošana nedaudz iespaido arī valodas stilu. Tiek izmantoti arī tehniski lidošanas termini, daudzi lidmašīnu nosaukumi, taču tas netraucē saskatīt viņa sapņotāja dvēseli. Grāmatā ietvēris daudz metaforu un salīdzinājumu, kas pavisam noteikti saistīti ar lidošanu un debesīm. Leslja Periša un Ričards Bahs, divi galvenie tēli grāmatā. Pavisam reālas personas. šī grāmata bija pirmā no Baha grāmatām, kuru izlasīju. Lasot tālāk citas viņa grāmatas, sapratu, ka pavisam nejauši esmu izdarījusi pareizo izvēli, jo lasot grāmatu liekas, ka iepazīstos ar Bahu personiski, kā ar reālu personu, izdzīvoju līdzi viņa priekiem un bēdām. Tā pat arī ar Lesliju. Visā grāmatas garumā autors ir ļoti labi radījis priekšstatu par sevi. Viņa iepazīšana ļauj labāk izprast vēstījumus un pamācības, ko sniedz arī citas viņa grāmatas. Šī grāmata, manuprāt, ir loti rontiska un arī reālisma netrūkst. Lasot šo grāmatu manī bija daudz dažādas emocijas. Brīžiem nevarēju atturēties no skaļiem smiekliem, brīžiem mīlestības pārdzīvojumi neļāva neraudāt, jutu līdzi gan Leslijai, gan Ričardam, dažuviet gribēju Bahu iekaustīt vai pateikt kādu sarbu vārdu. Bet kādubrīd, likās, ka raksta par mani. Ričards Bahs ir akstnieks,kurš lasītājam liek pacelties debesīs un ļauj lidot kopā ar viņu. Bahs raksta viegli un ātri lasāmā saistošā valodā. Šī ir viena no tām grāmatām, no kuras nevar ne atrauties, Manuprāt, šis darbs ir jāilasa ikvienam, kurš vēlas redzēt Baha skatu uz dzīvi, pasauli un kosmosu, ikvienam kurš tic, ka kaut kur ir viņa īstā dvēseles radiniece, ikvienam, kurš tic, ka īstā dzīve nav tā, kas aprobežojas ar primitīvo saprātu. Ričards Bahs ir mans mīļākais rakstsnieks. Līdz šim nebiju domājusi, ka kāda grāmata manī raisīs tik daudz emocijas, zinu, ka šo grāmatu izlasīšu vēlreiz, jo no tās ir ļoti daudz, ko mācīties, ko iegūt. Uzskatu, ka ikviens ir pelnījis iepazīt Ričardu kā grāmatas tēlu un bahu kā autoru.
Pure platitudinous puke. One of the worst books I've actually kept reading until I finished (although I honestly don't know how I did it). This is probably the only one star rating you'll see from me, because there are too many good books out there to squander time on the crummy ones. I just stop reading those I don't enjoy partway through, and I don't rate them. I also have a problem with writing bad reviews, because I don't think it's fair to the writer. If I don't like it, and I do happen to finish (which isn't likely), fair enough, that's my opinion and I'll simply leave it out of the mix. In this case, I'll break my own rule and say that this book is as cheesy as they come, and would have never found a publisher had Bach not had such enormous success with the one about the bird. I like a good love story, but the gooey and self-indulgent way this one is written could even appall Mister Rogers enough to ralph on his own cardigan sweater. "How long have I been missing you, dear soulmate, I thought, dear wise mystical lovely lady?" That's an actual excerpt, and there's an entire book of this howdy doody crap. Corny, amorous drivel mixed with a smug author's excessive self-absorption just doesn't make for good reading.
Do You like book The Bridge Across Forever: A True Love Story (2006)?
What a terribly sh!tty book. My first 0-star rating. I don't understand how anyone can give this book any stars. It honestly lessens my opinion of them as human beings. Are they thirteen years old? Have they not actually lived lives themselves, with all its depth and nuances and complications?I should've known what I was in for, as it was one of the two books ever that my boyfriend said he couldn't finish. But I was seeking revenge, for him reading The Plague after I told him it was Boring. Lesson learned - when revenge is your primary motivator, things tend to backfire.To be clear: this book is the boringest, tritest piece of superficial dreck ever. Truly barf-worthy. It didn't help knowing that Bach and his "soulmate" ended up getting a divorce, but even aside from that, as a piece of literature, this book suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.This man cannot even write. Two exclamation points within the first page. To emphasize "I'm going to meet my soulmate today!" "Just think, today's the day I meet her!" or some such sh!t. Uggghhh what a waste of day.
I'm inclined to believe Bach wrote this book with the intent to merely capitalize on the lonely and lovelorn.I think the aspects of character that make people "soulmates", would certainly make the two naturally desirous (if not compelled) to share each others lives for the duration of their time 'mantled in clay'. In that sense, his divorce would seem to render his book into a speciously motivated pile of saccharine drivel.Future printings should be re-titled something like:· "Ooops....nevermind"· "The Bridge Across Your Wallet to My Bank Account"· "I Met This Actress, Hung Out For Awhile, We Split...I Got a Bestseller."· "Jonathan, Livingstone & Segal - Divorce Attorneys"
I read this book as a teenager among a flurry of other Bach books. While the others pontificated and shared ideas that I'm still pondering, this one brought the concept of love in a modern world, outside of fairytales. I read this again, as an adult, all these years later. And I realise what a good thing it was to have read a love story of this sort when I was young. It's honest, brutal at times. It doesn't paint love as a 'happily ever after' concept. Bach and Leslie have their fair share of problems, with include commitment phobia, different ideals and personality clashes. They also battle the money monster as Bach receives a windfall, then blunders through it into a financial crisis. And at the end, both their notions of love and soul mates are greatly changed. Each lets go of something that they thought they needed in a perfect soulmate, each gets something unexpected in return.A sweet love story and much more realistic one for our times than most ChickLit & Mills & Boons.
—Idea Smith