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The Boy Who Cried Ninja (2011)

The Boy Who Cried Ninja (2011)

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3.74 of 5 Votes: 1
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1561455792 (ISBN13: 9781561455799)
Peachtree Publishers

About book The Boy Who Cried Ninja (2011)

charlie is really into ninjas at the moment. he immediately made me read this to him a second time then he read his favorite parts himself. you have to appreciate a book that adds things in the artwork for adults to get. the ninja juggles Chinese stars; the astronaut is dancing the moonwalk; and there are piles of dog poop in the backyard. thoroughly engaging for charlie and quite amusing for me. Story of dilemma. " If he told the truth, he was in trouble, and if he lied he was in trouble what could he do?" This story can be an outlet for children who are accused to be a lier and invite parents/ readers to reflect on the moments of distrust toward their children. The gap between imagination and reality is like the gap between distrust and fight to prove "not guilty". This is a story of defending one's false accusation.

Do You like book The Boy Who Cried Ninja (2011)?

The best part of this book? The letters addressed to "Dear you,"Haha!!

Fun illustrations, but quite silly.

This was an adorable story.

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