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The Boy In The Dress (2008)

The Boy in the Dress (2008)

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2.52 of 5 Votes: 2
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0007279035 (ISBN13: 9780007279036)
HarperCollins Children's Books

About book The Boy In The Dress (2008)

The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams, illustrated by Quentin Blake - Realistic Fiction, 4th grade and up – Ok, there is a boy in a dress. And in certain communities, there might be some issues having this book in your library collection. Now that I’ve stated this, WOW. This is a hilarious, touching book about a boy who finds that dressing up is fun and fashion is fascinating. When he makes a friend who has the same passion, trouble begins. Really enjoyed the twists and turns of this book and know it will open the mind of boys and girls about gender roles and tolerance. I chose to read this to my son (he received the book as a gift) and was quite pleased with the discussions we had during the book. I loved reading a book that had ups, downs, comedy and drama combined. I know many will love this! … note to self, must read more David Walliams books! SpoilersA reasonable book, though some of his other books are funnier. I like the insight it gives into cross dressing and gender, as well as family life. It is interesting and well written and reads easily, holding the reader’s attention. I feel the book did not need the ending of the head also cross dressing, as this makes it unbelievable and takes away from the uniqueness of Dennis, downplaying the situation.

Do You like book The Boy In The Dress (2008)?

I love David Walliams, and it's a fun book, but he's no Roald Dahl

Very inspiring and cute, funny, silly, stupid ( the good kind )


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