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The Book Of Kills (2001)

The Book of Kills (2001)

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0312979223 (ISBN13: 9780312979225)
minotaur books

About book The Book Of Kills (2001)

I had been looking forward to this book, and the whole series, because McInerny is the author of the Father Dowling books, and this series is set at Notre Dame. I LOVED the Fr. Dowling mysteries that were on TV in the 90s(?) and was really excited to read the actual stories behind them. This wasn't a Fr. Dowling book, but since it was set at ND, my interest was piqued. I was a bit disappointed, though... It wasn't as well-written as I'd hoped; the characters were not as compelling as they could have been, and the author was rather sexist in many of his remarks! I was surprised to note how many times he referred to women as "inferior" or "in need of a man to take care of them" or weak because they loved certain men... Ick. So now I *might* look up the Fr. Dowling books, but they are certainly not topping out my list of things to read. Bummer!

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