While I primarily read/review adult fiction, I am always on the lookout for books I can recommend for my friends’ children. To that purpose, I accepted the invitation to read Christa Kinde’s first book in the her Threshold series, The Blue Door. I think this book is perfect for middle school girls who are looking for a bit of adventure and for their parents who want to make sure there is a good message in the books they read.Priscilla Pomeroy is an average fourteen year old looking at an uneventful summer spent working around her family’s farm. Prissie is a bit old-fashioned in her outlook, but suffers from the same things most young teenagers face — the desire to fit in combined with the desire to be a bit special. She gets more than she bargains for when she meets Koji, a boy most people cannot see. Prissie’s world is soon turned upside down.Prissie receives an incredible gift — to see with spiritual eyes. Her world is opened to the invisible around her. But her sight is confined to angels, despite the fact that there is a spiritual battle surrounding her. Prissie is a character most young girls can identify with — not quite sure of herself, mostly focused inward, and facing changes in her relationships. The spiritual aspect of The Blue Door provides a layer of adventure and a starting point for exploration of what to believe about God and His Kingdom. The angels Prissie meets are not what she expected, but are good examples of how angels and people should be judged on their hearts toward God, not their outward appearances. The Blue Door can open up discussion with your teen about a number of issues — friendship, honesty, family values and spiritual warfare.There are still a lot of questions left unanswered at the end of The Blue Door – but the next book, The Hidden Deep takes off where it ends. Recommended.(Thanks to DJC Communications and ZonderKidz for a review copy. The opinions expressed are mine alone.) I wasn't sure whatvto expect when I started this book. I was looking forward to something different than what I normally read and I found it. It is a story about Angels and the one girl that can see them. Prissie is the only person that can see The Blue Door which is an entrance to the angel world. Prissie is only 15 so I think that may have had something to do with the very "young" feel to this story. Prissie acts very young so I would recommend it for a much younger group of readers.Another thing is that there is quite a lot of religion in this story. More than I had hoped. Still it wasn't too bad, just more than I would have liked.
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Great book....really made me think about angels all around us!