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The Black Rose (2001)

The Black Rose (2001)

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4.15 of 5 Votes: 3
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0345441567 (ISBN13: 9780345441560)
one world/ballantine

About book The Black Rose (2001)

I am a big fan of historical fiction, but I think this was a very sanitized, whitewashed version of Madame C.J. Walker's life. Since the millionaire kept no diary and no one is alive that knew her, there's little insight into her personality and character. We can only assume her charactaristics based on what she accomplished. In looking at her background, this lady came up in extremely rough circumstances, so I think there would be more of a toughness and edge to her than presented in Ms. Due's book. However, I though the book was good in terms of providing more information about Madame Walker, her marriage to the gold-digging Mr. Walker and her rivalry with black hair-care entrepreneur Annie Prescope

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