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The Black Belt Librarian: Real-World Safety & Security (2011)

The Black Belt Librarian: Real-World Safety & Security (2011)

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0838911374 (ISBN13: 9780838911372)
American Library Association

About book The Black Belt Librarian: Real-World Safety & Security (2011)

I think this is a book that everyone who works in a library should read. It is nice and short, but it is full of practical advice for keeping things safe in your library. I really liked the fact that most of the advice can be tailored to your specific situation but is relevant to everyone. This book is easy to read and seems like it would be fairly easy to implement. It is full of library anecdotes that any library employee can recognize. I think some of the best advice in the book is about being aware of your surroundings and being consistent in how you enforce library rules. This brief book shares real world experience and provides examples for training, reporting, and procedures. The author worked as a library security manager for more than twenty years and shares what he learned worked well for his library and what did not. He gives library staff tools they can use if the library has a security staff or not. He shows how to easily set clear expectations for patron behavior and how to intervene when someone violates that code of conduct. This book provides practical real-world advice and aims to be confidence building for staff. The author's goal is for all library staff to be able to maintain a comfortable, productive and safe environment for all patrons and staff in the library.

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Some very good information packed into just a few pages.

Funny, easy to read, practical advice.

Excellent book!

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