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The Betrayers (2005)

The Betrayers (2005)

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0765347210 (ISBN13: 9780765347213)
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About book The Betrayers (2005)

This book, although written by his ex-wife and a ghost-writer after his death, is typical Harold Robbins -- a steamy, interesting dramatic novel, firmly rooted in events of the day. This one starts in Russia in the mid-forties and concludes in British Honduras in the 1970's; following the protagonist through a childhood in Russia, young manhood in British Honduras, Castro, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and back to British Honduras. Along the way he learns to become a moderately successful criminal, and businessman in a variety of opportunistic enterprises, finally falling in love with a captivating woman and risking nearly everything to save her, from the corrupt Latin American regime she has chosen to betray.Well worth the read.

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