Edward Abbey satisfies the populist bent in my politics and soul. I love his combination of contrarianism, nature and political observations, and his rough edge. I'm enjoying his essay, "In Defense of the Redneck". Though not a redneck, I personally don't fit in in bars - too many conversations and stimuli for me - and I don't drink beer - I still root for the working man, the farmer and rancher... Abbey is a odd mix of environmentalist yet still protective of his second amendment rights and approves of hunting, if to put meat on the table or in the frying pan. He essay "Down the river with Henry David Thoreau" with a lot of fun to read and to watch Abbey cut back and forth between himself and Thoreau - two curmudgeons cut from a similar cloth. I'm sure they would have enjoyed each others company, but to a point. When Henry was overtake with melancholy, Ed would have told him to shut up, popped a beer and then pissed off the corner of the porch where they have been talking...