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The Best And Hardest Thing (2010)

The Best and Hardest Thing (2010)

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0670011665 (ISBN13: 9780670011667)
Viking Juvenile

About book The Best And Hardest Thing (2010)

The main character is Molly Biden. A teenage girl that's smart, likes studying and she is known as a "saint." A good little girl. Only talks to one girl has no friends, because she doesn't like having a group of friends. Another important character is Grady Dillon. The boy Molly changes for, into being a "saint" into a "bad girl." He's very attractive and a lot of girls try to get at him. A third important character is Molly's Grandma & her best friend Barbara they both are nice to her and always have been their for her on everything even though Barbara moves out to somewhere far. Molly decides to change into being a "saint" or "good girl" into a "bad girl" just for this guy Dillon. All she wants from him is attention so he can end up talking to her. He doesn't really talk to her until she goes up to him in lunch and starts talking to him. Their is another girl that talks to Dillon and wins Molly's lunch seat next to him. Molly's best friend Barbara helps her from going good to bad. She also moves from where she just to live and she doesn't see Molly at all anymore. Molly just doesn't really talk to anyone so she is on her own on trying to get Dillon. One day in lunch Molly invites Dillon to go chill with her. So Dillon goes and they end up chilling together. While Molly takes him somewhere they both end up having sexual relationships. Dillon doesn't use a condom and that's how everything turns out bad for Molly. It is the best and hardest thing she ends up doing. One of the best passages from this occurs on page 127, when Molly finds out why Dillon doesn't call her anymore and what he really was. This part of the book was important because Molly finds out that Dillon was charged with four counts of possession of dangerous substances and possession of a handgun. She didn't even know he was like that but she just wanted to sleep with him without knowing anything about him. If you like short poem written books, with pregnancy and with girls your age in high school then you'll enjoy this book because this teenage girl is only i think 16 years old and she goes from being a good girl into a bad girl. It also is really easy to read because of the way its written in. This book reminds me of teenage girls in my school because some of them are 16 and they where pregnant and had to deal with it in school with everyone staring just like Molly had too in her school. And im pretty sure it was hard to tell their parents just like it was hard for Molly to tell her Gram. I would recommend this book to any teenage person that has gone with a pregnancy and lives as a single mother or has to give up their baby for adoption. Either because they can't afford paying for their things or either because they are to young and still want to finish school. I would also recommend this book to young teenagers that like short novels and like drama. This is the first book I've read in less than a week. The format was really cool how it was written in different poem lengths and how the personal thoughts of the main character were portrayed as if we were hearing them. The book had a sad ending, because she gave the baby up for adoption, but that was the whole point of the story. I was hoping that after the babies dad was put in jail that she would choose to keep the baby and raise it with the help of her " Gram". But at only 15, Molly had to chose what was best for her, and in fact her choice was THE BEST AND HARDEST THING she'd ever have to do.

Do You like book The Best And Hardest Thing (2010)?

i loved the different ways the author used the versus forms. each page was a little different.

It's about this girl who is in High School and she want to make a guy fall in love with her.

i loved this book and did not think that i would.

The style of writing was not for me.

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