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The Art Of Trapeze: One Woman's Journey Of Soaring, Surrendering, And Awakening (Awakening Consciousness Series, #1) (2013)

The Art of Trapeze: One Woman's Journey of Soaring, Surrendering, and Awakening (Awakening Consciousness Series, #1) (2013)

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3.31 of 5 Votes: 4
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0989604519 (ISBN13: 9780989604512)
Spirituality University Press

About book The Art Of Trapeze: One Woman's Journey Of Soaring, Surrendering, And Awakening (Awakening Consciousness Series, #1) (2013)

This could have been really good. The author's trip to Paris to pursue trapeze artistry as a skill and life metaphor could have been an exhilarating read, and the excerpt I read in a magazine really caught my eye. She describes the feel of the cold metal bar beneath the soles of her feet as she waits for the exact moment to launch in vivid language. But it just wasn't well written. The memoir could have benefitted from some major copy editing. It could have been cut by a third and been a better book. I bought this book on BookBub for 99cents. It should have been free. Better yet, it shouldn't be offered. I slogged through 28% of the book and thought it was written by a middle schooler. It sounded like a preteen journal. A twenty something American woman goes alone to Paris for graduate work (how brave!) There are flashbacks to a earlier times- pretty typical things like car trips with friends and visits to museums (ho hum). It was not well written and the main character was boring. Sorry, BookBub, you'll have to do better than this in the future.

Do You like book The Art Of Trapeze: One Woman's Journey Of Soaring, Surrendering, And Awakening (Awakening Consciousness Series, #1) (2013)?

Could not finish. Jumped around too much. Did not like enlightenment aspect of the story.

Just couldn't get into it. Put it down after the first chapter.

Well written, with a crisp evocative voice. A worthy read!

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