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The Art Of The Deal (2013)

The Art of the Deal (2013)

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Dreamspinner Press

About book The Art Of The Deal (2013)

Loved it! Please hurry up and write another book. The Art of the Deal was a delightful read for me. Coleman is the domineering, controlling kind of bastard hero that you almost hate but love instead. His behavior is so controlling that he is right on the border between hero and villian and of course he doesn't play fair. Poor Sean is the mouse in this cat and mouse game. He knows he is being toyed with and could possibly be dumped in a humiliating manner, and yet he is unable to resist getting involved with the dangerous Coleman. He can only prepare himself mentally for the pain that will come when their relationship ends. Throw in one evil female coworker and one predatory professor and you have one highly entertaining story. The relationship between Coleman and Sean is one that you either love or hate. It is basically a dom/sub relationship. Coleman is very aggressive and forceful and Sean allows him to take control of everything. Once Coleman sets his sights on Sean, he is relentless in his pursuit and Sean does not stand a chance. He finds himself falling in love with Coleman before long. He is happy to let Coleman take charge of everything, including ordering for both of them when they go out to eat, and of course, Coleman loves being in charge. He is a shark and he gets off on the power. I found that I really enjoyed Coleman with all his flaws, and I found myself laughing at his ruthless behavior throughout the story. What I love about B A Stretke's writing is that the stories are always a breath of fresh air. The story and characters are far from the usual cardboard characters that you get from some MM writers. The story is well thought out and well written. Some readers may not like how easily Sean falls into Coleman's arms and allows him to take charge, but I actually enjoyed the mild dom/sub nature of their relationship. I also really enjoyed Signed and Sealed characters with their emotional relationship.I hope B A Stretke will write another book soon. I promise to buy it as soon as it comes out. I think this one is a book you either like or hate. Coleman is a difficult character to like and he is one of the main characters of this story, so I understand why someone might dislike the whole story. Also the writing isn't always flowing, some sentences sound a bit stiff coming from a young person like Sean and he is repeating himself a lot. There are quite some reasons for him to dislike Cole, all understandable and I don't know why is mostly concentrating on one. Why didn't he ask Coleman if he would still have been so nice to him if Sean wasn't cute? Would Coleman have gone ahead and destroy someone’s career on just one resume that he didn’t bother to properly read through or to ask why the professor would give him a recommendation!I dislike arrogant snobs, who think that they are better than the rest and Coleman is just that! Sean has returned to school after taking one year of, he is top of his classes in his legal-assistant program and has the recommendations of his professors to a great intern program. Coleman sees the part about returning student and that he has worked in a night club and decides to destroy Sean’s career, because he doesn't see him as someone worthy to work for his company or any serious legal company. I wish I could say he changed his mind after giving Sean a chance or watch him work, but no he noticed him, because of his looks and his peculiar behaviour, namely not escaping Coleman's presence, whenever he could. Of course Sean is trying to avoid Coleman, after reading his letter of rejection, which was quite nasty for one.So Coleman didn't change a lot he is very commanding, overrides Sean's wishes and while he is supposed to treat his boyfriends very badly and like his own independence, well he acts quite clingy, at least in the beginning with Sean and somewhat stalkerish. He doesn't change a lot and while he regrets what he has written, I wasn’t left with that niggling thought that he regrets it after he met Sean and became intrigued by him, he didn’t actually see Sean working before deciding, that he must be a great person and that he shouldn't treat any human being like he has.I finished the book pretty quickly, it a nice contemporary read, which isn't instant love. Sean dislikes Coleman in the beginning and he is right to do that, I just felt that something was missing and that Coleman changed his opinion too fast for a pretty face (Sean isn't only a pretty face, but Coleman didn't know it then). The premise of the story was interesting and plot wasn't bad either. I liked Sean, even when I didn't agree with all of his decisions. It was nice to see Coleman having to work to be liked by Sean; I wish it had taken him somewhat longer to get into Sean's good graces.

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I gave this 5 stars because I was Sean(somewhat)... but without that HEA.

OK read, but not my thing

2.75 stars

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