I somehow find this series by C.S. Graham irresistible. It may be the high quality of the writing, with its vivid descriptions and razor-sharp pacing; or it may be the two highly sympathetic main characters, Tobie Guinness and Jax Alexander; or it may even be the unabashedly left-wing politics. The remote viewing, complete with Tobie's sincere doubts and Jax's ironic mocking, is also undeniably an element.This book is the first in the series, but the characters and formula are already pretty well developed. The action is launched through a remote viewing. The CIA in the person of maverick Jax gets involved in spite of its skepticism. The Keystone Kops special ops people fail to eliminate or stop Tobie. When all else fails, a second remote viewing session on the run helps the heroes over the final hurdle.The venue here is New Orleans, still recovering from Katrina, where the authors behind the pseudonym actually live. The city itself becomes one of the characters in a picture that does not airbrush out the problems. The plot once again is nefarious, reaching to the very upper levels of the government. The sad thing is, it doesn't even sound that far-fetched.But now I will be taking an enforced break from the series, because I've read the three books that have been published. I imagine, though, I will pre-order the next one when I can. This may not be the best thriller in the world, but it's one of the fastest paced books I've ever read. I started this last year and only put it down because of books that came out that I'd been waiting for, and then I kind of misplaced it... And then I found it last week and finished it in two days. This is fast paced and the chase scenes are pretty good.It's not the deepest most complex book out there, but it's fun and fast and has some enjoyable moments.Fun book but I thought the end was really abrupt. It seemed really odd that the book end like that. The end almost seems like it should come as a shock or a surprise or that it should mean something big, but if that is the intention I didn't really get that feeling.Despite the weird ending I still liked the book overall and will be reading the sequel soon.
Do You like book The Archangel Project (2008)?
This is a good read that gets you right from the start. It is a government/spy type of story.
Political thriller, didn't like the language but it held my interest. It was good.