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The Alley (2003)

The Alley (2003)

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0152049185 (ISBN13: 9780152049188)
hmh books for young readers

About book The Alley (2003)

I bought an old, used hardcover copy of this book because it is illustrated by Edward Ardizzone. The dust jacket is charming, and the layout is unassuming and friendly.But the real treasure of this book is its writing. Estes writes with wonderful pace and seems to capture the hurry-ups and slow-downs of childhood experience. Its protagonist, Connie, is a precocious and winsome young girl. The full cast of characters, children and adults, is a good ensemble.My opinion is that the story holds up well over time, 50 years since being published, I especially recommend it as a summer read to adults who grew up in the book's era and are now enjoying grandchildren that are the ages of its cast.

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