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The Accidental Feminist: How Elizabeth Taylor Raised Our Consciousness And We Were Too Distracted By Her Beauty To Notice (2012)

The Accidental Feminist: How Elizabeth Taylor Raised Our Consciousness and We Were Too Distracted by Her Beauty to Notice (2012)

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0802716695 (ISBN13: 9780802716699)
Walker & Company

About book The Accidental Feminist: How Elizabeth Taylor Raised Our Consciousness And We Were Too Distracted By Her Beauty To Notice (2012)

This is TRUE Elizabeth Taylor in every sense. She did in fact raise our consciousness by her courage not to live her life by the conventional standards of the time. The sensuality she exuded both on the screen and off, is legendary. She was a woman way ahead of her time and this book illustrates her lust for life, her passion for humanity and her unstoppable determination to be with the man of her choice. This book was surprisingly very good. Not only did it shed light on Elizabeth Taylor and the roles she portrayed in some of her best movies, but it also shed light on her philanthropy and the rules of the studios during that time period. I think the most interesting thing about the book was the fact that religious organizations had final say on scripts for the movie. It seems as though we got away from church in state we moved it to church and movies. The moral code was very high during this time and seductive phrases and talking was not allowed. Though one of her moves was specifically about abortion she could never talk about an abortion or even having one out of wedlock. Also the fact that women couldn't express themselves naturally or sexually or emotionally anything that didn't fit this cookie cutter 50's submissive wife lifestyle then she was severely punished in one way or another. It was all in all a very interesting read.

Do You like book The Accidental Feminist: How Elizabeth Taylor Raised Our Consciousness And We Were Too Distracted By Her Beauty To Notice (2012)?

M.G. writes smart. Her voice rings loud and clear, and I love it.

I wish it was longer. So fascinating.

You go, Facetwin! Be a zeitgeist!

a fun and frothy book.

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