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The Ability (2013)

The Ability (2013)

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4.01 of 5 Votes: 4
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1442452005 (ISBN13: 9781442452008)
Margaret K. McElderry Books

About book The Ability (2013)

Not sure where I put the ability. It's not really a spy book so it's not as good as Spy School, Jason Steed or Alex Rider. Its close to Harry Potter but not as well written, some parts are copied from the Harry Potter books, but he has an Ability.I did not like how he was with his mom, at 12 he would still love his mom, and she would love him, it was not nice. The author should have made him an orphan for all the good the mother was. This is the lowest rating I have ever given a book, sorry I just did not like it. Better than Harry Potter! Now I know some may think I am jumping to conclusions but, the author has created a character that I truly long to follow. Chris Lane has lost his dad to the war, his mom to her depression and not a soul cares a stitch for him. Lying and stealing to keep his home afloat and him out of the hands of the authorities is all he has known since the age of 5. I found myself crying by the time I learned of his father and then at the end once again when not everything can be neatly wrapped in bow (like the real world). Chris has The Ability and his darn good at it better than all of his new friends and english government wants to use his ability and his friends to save the Prime Minister. Can they do it in a short period of time or will Chris and his friends fail. You won't want to put the book down until it is over and when you do you will find that you will have to wait until March of 2014 to get the rest of the story!

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Reminds me of "The Mysterious Benedict Society" series by Trenton Lee Stewart.

This is a fast paced and interesting story.

Maine Student Book Award Nominee 2014-2015

AMAZING book! Review coming soon...

Excellent book!

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