About book The 10 Things You Need To Eat: And More Than 100 Easy And Delicious Ways To Prepare Them (2009)
I occasionally like to read books like this to help me get back into my healthy cooking groove. This one definitely kicked my butt with awesome facts about cancer and heart disease rates being so much lower among those who eat following these guidelines. I already know this stuff, really, but to be reminded is good and to be remotivated to make it a priority is even better. I will admit that many of the recipes still seem too far out there... like ingredients that I've never heard of, but I also found many that seem do-able. I made the Chocolate Beet Mini-Cakes the other day and they turned out to be really tasty. I want to buy this book but will probably wait until it isn't popular anymore and the price drops. :) Simple to understand book on nutrition and the function of nutrients for our bodies. it lists 10 foods that you should try to incorporate into your diet with simple recipes and good information about the health benefits of these foods that create motivation to eat them. It's a simple, low-pressure book that doesn't advocate a complete diet change but simply to include these nutrient-dense foods into our regular menu.
Do You like book The 10 Things You Need To Eat: And More Than 100 Easy And Delicious Ways To Prepare Them (2009)?
Very easy read & very interesting. Lots of great tips & recipes for some very healthy foods!
I adore the interplay between these two guys.