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Thanksgiving Mice! (2000)

Thanksgiving Mice! (2000)

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3.27 of 5 Votes: 1
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0439405882 (ISBN13: 9780439405881)

About book Thanksgiving Mice! (2000)

This is more my reaction than the kids' reactions, but this doesn't give an accurate representation of Thanksgiving. Let's all be very honest here: Thanksgiving was not a happy meeting of the Puritans and the Indians, coming together with a big dinner to celebrate their lovely friendship. It just wasn't. A quick Google search will reveal a systematic dismantling of our myths and legends. Look to Natives for your truth, and historians who aren't afraid to call BS on the whole thing.If you bring this book into your classroom, you're going to be promoting that same story in an effort to explain why we celebrate this holiday to the wee ones. Maybe it's time we sat down and said, "You know what, we celebrate this day so we can have a big meal with family. Those pictures of Indians and Puritans? They're not real. They're just stories we like to tell." When they get older, you can fully explain to them what the history is. For now, though, in a classroom setting, I would introduce more books that focus on family, thankfulness, and togetherness rather than distorted history.My opinion aside, the kids thought the pictures were cute and entertaining, but I can't say they were enthralled. This is the first book that I borrowed from the library for my kindle! It was literaly the only book available to borrow in the library's inventory of kindle books, but I had to try out the new service. For some reason I can not send books directly to my kindle (it says I don't have wi-fi and this is the library's method of delivery). So I had to load it on my computer and then hook the devise to my computer to copy and paste the book. Definitely more work then it is worth for a book with 32 pages and an innaccurate representation of the first thanksgiving/legacy of the pilgrams as told by thespian mice, but I just had to try it!

Do You like book Thanksgiving Mice! (2000)?

29 months - Mice put on a Thanksgiving play, it's cute.

The rhyming verse is forced and hard to read.

not as good as the others in the series.

Blech. No thank you.

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