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Thank You For Riding (2013)

Thank You for Riding (2013)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 5
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1619213370 (ISBN13: 9781619213371)

About book Thank You For Riding (2013)

I've read and loved Meg Maguire's books before and was looking forward to her contribution to the Strangers on a Train Collection. I enjoyed this story but somehow I couldn't connect with Caitlin and her sense of humor. Her internal dialogue just didn't work for me. I also missed Mark's POV. I'm not overly hero-oriented but I do like to read other POVs as one single POV always makes me feel like I'm reading a first person narrative poured into third person one. And that's how this book felt to me.(just to be clear, I'm not a fan of first person narrative). This shouldn't be problematic if you click with the character whose POV the story consists of but unfortunately I didn't. Which doesn't mean I didn't like the story, I did as I enjoyed the excecution of the premise of being trapped with a stranger you're attracted to and I loved the opening chapter scene at the blood donation. I also liked the end with the promise of a future. It was the parts in between that just didn't wow me as much as I wanted it to. Fave Scene: - the last chapter with the texting > very cute ending to the storyFave Quote:Let Kevin know he wasn’t the only one witnessing her secret hotness, and feel a little of whatever hormone made men toss their girlfriends across tabletops and ravish them soundly.If anyone could use a sound ravishing, it was Caitlin. Her lady-business hadn’t been manhandled in ages, not even by herself.

Caitlin, an account manager for a financial firm first meets Mark, a youth centre worker at the Red Cross, both giving platelets donations. After being dumped by her boyfriend at the office Christmas party, Caitlin rides the train home, meeting up again with Mark. But when they get off the train they find themselves locked in the subway station overnight. This is just an incredibly sweet (not sickly) story that had me smiling at their playful dialogue from the time they meet at the Red Cross. Meg Maguire writes yet another gorgeous hero. I've yet to read a Meg Maguire book I haven't loved.This is the second book I've read in the five-book Strangers on a Train series and though a bit more of a traditional romance than Ruthie Knox's contribution, no less charming. A short, lovely romance with a train theme.Steam: 2.5

Do You like book Thank You For Riding (2013)?

Hands down, without a doubt, my favorite in the entire series. I love, love, love Maguire's writing. She has this amazing knack of bringing characters to life that make them seem real and approachable and relatable. I loved how Mark and Caitlin met. Their interaction had me grinning from ear to ear. As did all subsequent interactions. Seriously. Meg has a wonderful, magical way of making me cheese like a fool when I read any of her writing.The only thing I didn't like? Well, my e-book said I was at 83% when I actually finished the story. EPIC disappointment. I thought we still had another date coming between our H/h. Alas, she left me wanting more, which is better than me wishing it'd just end already.

Only flaw in this story is...that it is short! 4.5 ☆☆☆☆I gave it -0.5 ☆ because it could really be longer, has potential, I need a sequel! Meg Maguire, please write more Mark and Caitlin! And winter stories!It's cute, hot and congenial! I was a bit surprised how author managed to fit in so much in few chapters, but really, just as the story got better and better, it ENDED! :( “Here.” He spread his legs wider and patted the floor between them. “You’ll be warmer, and I promise I won’t grope you or anything.” Yes, because getting groped by a handsome, charming man hours after getting dumped by a workaholic iceberg was such a repulsive notion. Talking with Mark: "Women can’t resist a man with strong squeezing hands. Tells us you must be great at, oh, I don’t know…making juice. Opening jars. Crushing beer cans." Unique setting (train station) was so attractive,of course, we knew where it was leading, but still, it was hottttt!♥ Read it, you won't regret it.

Caitlin donates platelets in order to get away from her overly demanding job... no phones allowed, no email and no stress for just a few hours ever couple of weeks. She never expects to flirt with the donor across the aisle, especially because she has a boyfriend as hit and miss as their relationship might be. She doesn't look back as she grabs a snack and leaves. Fast forward to the dreaded company holiday party where she's unceremoniously dumped. Taking the train home she's spotted by none other than her blood donor flirtation, Mark Holly. What kind of trouble can these two get into while locked in a cold subway station? You'll have to read to find out! Maguire writes a wonderful heroine in Caitlin... she's witty and funny and I thoroughly enjoyed her in this story. For a quick, hot read definitely check this and the others in the Strangers on a Train novellas out! This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare:
—Jaime Arkin

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