Life in a small town seems like Heaven to Dani after big city life in Dallas, The only problem is where you go- there you are. The mistrust she feels is reflected off other people and right back at her. The more she tries to do good in secret, the more suspicious she looks. Some of the people in this book are the sweetest you'll ever meet! Mama Beth is everyone's favorite mother/ grandmother. Dani's mother is a relative of Cruella. What is the big divide between the sisters? What is it that makes small town life appealing to Dani? When will the townspeople wake up to not everything is the way it looks? Will Dani and Steve ever figure out how to communicate without having to apologize the next day? Just start this book and you will read until you find out! This book was non-stop "just a little further" until suddenly I was at the end! This is a sweet story of searching for a home and eventually finding it in Jesus. Some of the story didn't seem very plausible. For example, Dani sets up a foundation and gives away millions of dollars and the recipients of the grants renovate the downtown of Miller's Creek in a matter of weeks, rather than months or even years you would expect. However, the book was still an enjoyable Christian romance.
Do You like book Texas Roads (2010)?
predictable ending but a good read (for a free book)